I am surprised at just how much of an ass Gene Rayburn could be. A charming ass, but an ass nonetheless.
I understand ragging on folks who give blatantly dumb answers, but there have been many times Gene's pronounced church for a contestant's answer and they get at least one celebrity to match them, if not more. Brett, bless her, would at least stand up for the ladies sometimes.
Gene also un-coolly dissed one female hairdresser's hair to her face and one clothing design student's outfit to her face. When Richard came to her defense, Gene said the outfit was "too distracting" for him. ::rme:: Brett went after him for the gal's hair ( which I thought was a good version of the Farrah look) and Gene walked that back a little. I saw him, though, show off a young woman's peasant blouse and tri-color skirt today after she said she was a clothing designer. I guess a blonde with more covered up was more acceptable to Gene than a darker haired gal in spaghetti straps?
Still, I just fall in love with Brett Somers, Charles Nelson "Chuck" Reilly, Fannie Flagg and Betty White all over again. Ethel Merman and Mary Wicks were fun to see too. Eva Gabor was hit or miss, but there was something uneasy about watching her interact with Gene.
I accept Gene's un-PCness and era-appropriate sexism as of it's day, though I'm grumpy in hindsight. Still, the show can still make me and my hubby laugh really hard and we still try to come up with fun answers for the era and then for now.