Cooper High School - New Hope

You're on track to get doubled donations (and unlock a reward for the colleague who referred you). Keep up the great work! {"callToActionDisplayName":"Cooper High School","outOfStateSupporters":39.1,"hasFundedProjects":true,"pageName":"schoolpage_75606","schoolLevelGivingEnabled":false,"usesDonorsChoose":true,"infoPageType":"school","demographicsInfo":{"numStudents":1717,"numTeachers":85,"percentFrplEligible":57,"percentAsian":8,"percentBlack":42,"percentWhite":18,"percentIndigenous":0,"percentLatinx":20,"showFreeAndReducedPriceLunchInfo":true,"showDemographicsInfo":true,"sourceTooltipString":"the National Center for Education Statistics","gradesServed":"9 - 12","studentTeacherRatio":"20.2:1","demographicsDataSource":"MDR School","equityFocus":true},"inStateSupporters":60.9,"schoolId":75606,"financialInfo":null,"twitterShareText":"Learn more about Cooper High School on @DonorsChoose:","canonicalPageUrl":"schools/minnesota/robbinsdale-area-schools/robbinsdale-cooper-high-school/75606"}

You're on track to get doubled donations (and unlock a reward for the colleague who referred you). Keep up the great work!

{"callToActionDisplayName":"Cooper High School","outOfStateSupporters":39.1,"hasFundedProjects":true,"pageName":"schoolpage_75606","schoolLevelGivingEnabled":false,"usesDonorsChoose":true,"infoPageType":"school","demographicsInfo":{"numStudents":1717,"numTeachers":85,"percentFrplEligible":57,"percentAsian":8,"percentBlack":42,"percentWhite":18,"percentIndigenous":0,"percentLatinx":20,"showFreeAndReducedPriceLunchInfo":true,"showDemographicsInfo":true,"sourceTooltipString":"the National Center for Education Statistics","gradesServed":"9 - 12","studentTeacherRatio":"20.2:1","demographicsDataSource":"MDR School","equityFocus":true},"inStateSupporters":60.9,"schoolId":75606,"financialInfo":null,"twitterShareText":"Learn more about Cooper High School on @DonorsChoose:","canonicalPageUrl":"schools/minnesota/robbinsdale-area-schools/robbinsdale-cooper-high-school/75606"}

Public School• Equity Focus At Equity Focus Schools, more than 50% of students are Black, Latino, and/or Native American, AND more than 50% come from low-income households.
Learn more about our Equity Focus
  • 9 - 12

  • 1,717

  • 85

Cooper High School is a public schoolin New Hope, Minnesota that is part of Robbinsdale Area Schools.It serves 1,717 students in 9 - 12 with a student/teacher ratio of 20.2:1.Its teachers have had 21 projects funded on DonorsChoose.

  • Contact Cooper High School Contact info is sourced from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) annual survey process, so apologies if it's out of date!

  • (763) 504-8500
  • 8230 47th Ave N
  • New Hope, MN 55428
  • Website

Cooper High School Demographics


of students receive free or reduced price lunch We receive data about students' economic need from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) based on the Free or Reduced Price Lunch scale. Learn more.

Source: the National Center for Education Statistics


of students are Black, Latino, NativeAmerican, or Asian Numbers may not add up to 100 due to NCES survey limitations.

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As a teacher-founded nonprofit, we're trusted by thousands of teachers and supporters across the country. Each classroom request for funding was created by a classroom teacher and reviewed by the DonorsChoose team.

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Cooper High School Support on DonorsChoose Last updated Feb 21, 2024

DonorsChoose makes it easy for anyone to help a teacher in need, moving us closer to a nation where studentsin every community have the tools and experiences they need for a great education.

Cooper High School


raised using DonorsChoose






projects fortechnology


projects forbooks


projectsforart supplies

Cooper High School has received support from 53 individuals from Minnesota and 34 individuals out-of-state.

Support Cooper High School Projects

Cooper High School Teachers on DonorsChoose

