More common reasons for failure to bloom: Daylilies need lots of sun to perform well. I daylilies that don’t get enough sun they may have only a few small blooms or they may not bloom at all. Dividing too late in the fall can result in the daylily roots not being established before the ground freezes.Click to see full answer. Keeping this in consideration, what to do when daylilies stopped blooming?Cut off daylily foliage only after it yellows. If the foliage is still green, your daylilies are still making energy and storing it in their rhizomes for next year’s flowers. If you reguarly remove the foliage after blooming, in a year or two, your daylilies will not bloom.Beside above, how do you get daylilies to bloom all summer? All they need are full to part sun and well-drained soil and you’re set. Most, though, bloom for about a three-week period in summer and they’re done. That’s why Grumpy enjoys growing reblooming daylilies like this one. It’s called ‘Happy Returns,’ a very apt description, because it doesn’t bloom just once. Additionally, will my daylilies bloom again? Many flowers can bloom on a single scape but each bloom only remains open for a single day. Each day lily plant has numerous scapes and can produce hundreds of blooms in a season. Depending on the variety, the bloom season can last 30 to 40 days, or longer, and is usually from late spring to fall.Why are my Stella d’Oro daylilies not blooming?Other reasons why your Stella de Oro did not bloom as well is because it may not be getting enough sun. They bloom most freely in full sun. If you believe that one of these reasons is the cause for fewer blooms, then it is time to move (perhaps lift and divide) the plant to a new location.